Registration is now open. Please submit the Abstract to the microsoft CMT system.
The abstract should summarize the methods, results, and conclusions of the study. If accepted, the
abstract will be published in the b Proceedings of the ICMME 2023b .
Format: Abstract should be limited to one A4-sized page with a left margin of 3.0 cm, and all other
margins kept at 2.5 cm. The font b Times New Romanb of size 12 should be used with single line spacing.
All abstracts must be written and submitted in English using Microsoft Word (2007 or later).
Title: should be brief and should reflect the study carried out. Letters should be bold uppercase, and
center-aligned. Scientific names in the title should be written in uppercase italic.
Extended Abstract: Inclusion of an extended abstract is mandatory for the reviewing process but will
not be published in the proceedings. The extended abstract should be organized under the following
- Title (Same as that of the abstract).
- Introduction (with objectives)
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion and Conclusions (with outcomes)
- References
Formatting of the extended abstract should be similar to that of the abstract, giving priority to the
results and discussion, within 2-3 pages. Figures and tables should be clearly presented and included
within the stipulated page limit.
Abstract Template
Extended Abstract Template
Please submit the Camera-Ready Abstract to the microsoft CMT system.
Click here to submit the camera ready abstract.
Read the Camera-Ready Abstract submission guidelines from the link below.
If you have not submitted the author declaration form, please do it as early as possible via the microsoft CMT system.
We will have to remove the abstract from the proceedings if the author declaration form is not received.
Camera-Ready Submission Guidelines
Author Declaration Form
An oral presentation will be limited to 10 minutes followed by a discussion time of 5 minutes. The presentation should be organized under the following subtopics:
- Title
- Introduction
- Research Problem and Objectives
- Methodology
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion(s) with outcomes
Please note that the Oral presentations (in PPT or PDF format) should be uploaded to the computer available at the respective venue, as given in the programme.
Oral presentations should be made using MS Power Point 2007 or later.
The session chairpersons will be instructed to strictly adhere to the above time limit. We expect support of the presenters to conduct the sessions successfully.
PowerPoint (2017) Presentation Template