The Research Congress is an ideal platform for researchers to share their findings and to open avenues for innovation and collaboration. Authors are invited to submit their original work to be presented at the Research Congress through the Microsoft CMT system. Submissions will be subjected to blind review. Details of ALL AUTHORS must be added to the "Authors" section of the submission page, and the corresponding author should be indicated. The Editorial Board reserves the right to change the theme of the abstract identified by the authors to a more relevant Theme, if necessary. Results presented or published elsewhere will not be considered.
Complete submissions should include:
- Blind abstract (not including author names)
- Blind extended abstract
- Author declaration form - can be emailed to rescon2022@pgis.lk after the abstract is accepted
- Author checklist
Camera-ready Submission Guidelines Camera-ready TemplateOnce accepted, abstracts, together with reviewer comments, will be made available to authors. Final camera-ready submission is required, which should include suggested changes to the abstract. Further details on the format of camera-ready submissions will be notified to the authors of accepted papers. Please note that accepted abstracts must be presented by one of the authors. Authors are expected to inform the Editorial Board or take necessary action if they are unavailable to make the presentation. If an accepted abstract is not presented, the authors will not be allowed to submit abstracts for the PGIS Research Congress for three years.
Each author will be given 8 minutes for the presentation. The Q&A session will be conducted at the end. Please refer to the technical session’s program for more details. The session chairpersons will be instructed to strictly adhere to the above time limit. We expect support from the presenters to conduct the sessions successfully. Authors are instructed to prepare their presentations in PowerPoint format (or LaTeX beamer) covering a maximum of 10-15 slides to comply with the above time allocation. You will be contacted by an academic staff member regarding the collecting powerpoint presentations and pre-recorded videos, and regarding the rehearsal.
Virtual backgrounds will be available soon to download..
Online Participant GuidelinesSince this is an online presentation, the participants can join the live presentation anytime. You can switch between sessions, and even switch between presentations. However, your audio will be off for the duration of the session. You can communicate with the panelists (chairs, host and presenters) using the chat. You can ask questions using the chat. We will give a set of guidelines soon.
The Technical Programme will be available soon..